

29 Aug
Webinar: Essential tips for planning your retirement journey
2023年8月29日 上午10:00至11:00分

Retirement is full of new possibilities. A sound retirement plan is essential for the peace of mind we enjoy in our golden years. It all starts from knowing what we want in life and setting goals, so that we can make the most meaningful use of the years ahead. In this webinar, we invited an industry expert who will share with us tips on how employees shall prepare for retirement with financial and physical wellness. A TEDx speaker based in Toronto will then explain the four phases of re...
20 Jul
Webinar: Care for physical, mental and financial health at work
2023年7月20日 下午3時至4時

Overall wellbeing is essential for a healthy, energised, and productive workforce. The competition for talent and skill will only intensify due to changing demographics and an ageing workforce. The younger generation particularly is looking for benefits that promote health and wellbeing. There is increasing evidence to show the interdependency between wellbeing and performance of individuals, which reflects on the reduction of employee absence and employers’ health costs. In this webinar...
15 Jun
2023 Annual Dinner - Vibrant and Fervent Retirement
2023年6月15日 下午6時半至10時

08 Jun
高通脹增添僱員焦慮  僱主良策助員工解困
2023年6月8日 下午4時30分至5時30分

高通脹成為一個全球迫切的問題,並困擾「打工仔」。根據富達年度全球情緒調查,八成受訪香港僱員直言通脹升溫為他們帶來緊張情緒。您可以想象物價飛升將加劇誘發生活成本危機,從而影響「打工仔」的健康、理財習慣和退休規劃。 富達將群集人力資源及退休規劃的專家,在是次研討會上探討香港「打工仔」所面對的各種挑戰,並分享不同的解決方案,讓僱主更好支持僱員的身心及財務健康發展,助他們規劃美好退休人生。
05 Jun
2023 HKIFA 16th Annual Conference on 5th June 2023

HKIFA 16th Annual Conference – enroll now Monday, June 5th, 2023 JW Marriott Hong Kong You are cordially invited to enroll into the HKIFA 16th Annual Conference, which will be held at JW Marriott Hong Kong on Monday, June 5th, 2023. With the theme “Re”, the HKIFA Annual conference 2023 is a conference by all and for all. All participants of the financial services industry are welcome to provide words that start with “Re” (e.g., re-connect, rejuvenate etc.) that indicate your though...
31 May
2023年5月31日 下午1時至2時

人口老齡化已成為全球普遍現象,對人們生活各方面、尤其是退休保障帶來深遠影響。鑒於香港是全球預期壽命最長的地方之一,大部分人退休後還要生活超過 20 年。 若然沒有適切的退休保障規劃,很可能要面對「長壽風險」—— 即耗盡我們的退休儲備。 歡迎參加由香港退休計劃協會及友邦香港聯合舉辦的網上講座,屆時退休規劃專家將會探討新常態下「長壽風險」這新趨勢,以及我們應如何作出改善,從而減輕「長壽風險」,達致更理想的退休生活。